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We'd love to hear from you

01229 835803

Furness Gymnastics Club, Greater Kings Hall, Hartington Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 5SR 


What age do your classes cover?

We have classes for between the ages of 0-17. Pre-School children must be able to confidently walk before starting a class


How much are your classes?

Our classes vary in cost depending on the class in question. But all our beginner classes are charged at £5.00 per 45 minute class, and £6 per 1 hour class, which is paid each half term. The cost for each specific class can be found on the classes section of our website.


Do I have to be a British Gymnastics member?

All our gymnasts are required to have British Gymnastics membership, this provides insurance for them to take part. Its paid annually and a child can attend two sessions before committing to the annual membership. For pre-school children the charge is £14/year, for non-competitive its £20/year. More details on all the tariffs can be found here


Can we have a taster session?

All gymnasts who are invited into a class are welcome to trial the class to find out how they find it. We also run holiday camps for non-members, which is ideal for girls wanting to test the sport out.


How do I sign my daughter up for classes?

All our classes are full, and we run a waiting list for new members. To add your daughter to the waiting list please click here. Please make sure you keep our records uptodate, as if we do invite you, and dont hear back, the name will be removed from our list.


How long will I have to wait to be placed in a class?

The waiting times varies, depending on when other children leave the class in question. It can take up to a year to be placed in a class. 


Do you have any classes for boys?

We don't currently cater for boys, we are a Women's Artistic club, which is a women's only sport. Men's Artistic gymnastics is a very different sport, and involves different apparatus and coaching qualifications. 


You can search for a men's club by visiting the British Gymnastics website here


How do I transfer from another BG club?

If you are moving to the area and are already training in another British Gymnastics Club, please get in touch. If you are already a competitive gymnast, we may need to assess you for the squads. You will need to have your BG membership number, information on competitions attended, and also information on your current skill level. You will need permission from your current club to trial at another. If you are thinking of leaving our club, please get in touch to chat about the transfer, other BG clubs will need permission from us to trial you. 


How do you get selected for the competition squads?

Girls are selected to trial in the competition squad, based on their ability. We monitor children in our recreational classes and also run taster sessions for specific age groups in the summer, where we look our for potential squad members,


Do you run classes through the school holidays?

All our main classes run during school term time only. We do however run many holiday activities for both current members and non-members.



To register your daughter with the club please fill in a waiting list form...

Girls can take part in classes as soon as they are confidently walking


Children can join the waiting list at any age, they will then be placed in a class once they have reached the top of the waiting list and have reached the appropriate age.


Parents will receive the Club Rules on joining the club and fees will be payable per half-term / full term


There is a high demand for places, so our waiting list is a long one.


We will contact you as soon as a place becomes available.

Waiting List


Affiliations, Funding and Rules

Cumbria based WA clubs

Leotards, Handguards and Equipment

Furness Gymnastics Club, Greater Kings Hall, Hartington Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 5SR  |  01229 835803

© 2019 Furness Gymnastics Club 

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